**Note: It's taken me a while to finish this post. I took more photos than I thought!
this post when I told you that my husband didn't know
Flat Stanley needed to actually BE in the photos? Well...after you all left comments confirming what I thought, he agreed to go back out in the city, this time WITH Stanley, and take some photos. So here's some pictures of our Sunday with Stanley.
We debated where to go because we don't know what a second grader knows about New York City. So we headed to Central Park. Before crossing the street to the park though, I saw this house and had to take a photo:

Don't you love it! When I was little I wanted to live in a Victorian house and the little tower looking room would be mine.
Ok...I still want that. I think I grew up on too many fairy tales :)
Then I had to take ANOTHER photo right away because I love the park lamps in the city and the trees here are starting to blossom. Spring!
My first attempt at Flat Stanley in the Park didn't turn out too well:

A bit boring, right? I can do better than that. My next attempt was slightly better. But then I noticed that crayon coloring makes Stanley pretty shiny.

And then I got all distracted by the flowers. One thing about this city I LOVE is that in the Spring, daffodils start springing up EVERYWHERE! We even get wild ones in our park. Love it!

Then I got inspired. This guy was nice enough to play along. Hope the kids like it:

I was getting better at this! We swung by
Belvedere Castle:

It has great views of the lake:

Then I got distracted again:

Then I got a picture of Stanley with Cleopatra's Needle which is near the Metropolitan Museum of Art (he didn't loose an arm...the wind was just blowing):

Then I got distracted again. I love the bridges in Central Park:

I was then on a mission to find the statue of Alice in Wonderland that's in the park. I haven't seen it before:

The place was crawling with kids (get it!!
ahaha). If you look away from Alice you'll see the famous little lake where you can rent little motorized sailboats:

So of course Stanley got a photo:

Then I got distracted again. Sunday was one of our first really nice days...and it was the weekend. The park was crazy crowded:

Ok. Just the pictures don't really do it justice. Just take my word for it...crazy crazy crowded.
Then we decided to head to the Central Park zoo. We didn't actually go inside but there were still sites to see. Here's Stanley at the gate:

The statue of the bear tried to lick him:

Here's the famous
Delacorte Music Clock. It actual played while we were there!

I got distracted again by the sea lion show. But hey, who WOULDN'T get distracted by that?

Then we wandered out of the Park and back into the chaos that is the City.

Sigh. Here's another random street scene. You can sort of see the famous
iPod glass store entrance on the right:

Then we headed over to
FAO Schwarz
Finally we hopped on a bus because our feet were pretty tired from walking:

I had a lot of fun taking pictures of Stanley on the bus. I snapped one as we drove by a church (I think it's St. Patrick's):

This is just a random bus scene:

After a day of walking the best thing to do is get
Pinkberry. Seriously the best stuff ever. My favorite is pomegranate flavor with pomegranate seeds...but being out of season I got white chocolate, coconut and blackberries. Robb got green tea flavor with kiwi, blackberries, and Oreo cookies:

Here's Stanley eying our treats:

As we walked and ate our treats we swung by the
Lion Library. He's on either Patience or Fortitude...I can never tell which is which:

We were a wee bit tired of walking so we snagged a subway ride to our next destination:

We then headed to our
favorite bar with a great view of the Empire State Building:

After a day out in the city we were ready to head home. Instead of taking the longer subway ride home we decided to head to Grand Central Station to take the Metro North train home:

Here's Stanley on the train:

And a nice window view:

Hope you enjoyed the trip around New York City with Stanley!